Generations: Protecting yourself, your children, and their children

Protecting Yourself Protects Future Generations

Did you know that parents’ exposure to certain chemicals before conception and during fetal development can impact the risk of diseases throughout their own, their children and even their grandchildren’s lives? Learn about how and see below for things you can do. 

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) affect the ability of our glands and organs to coordinate body functions through hormones like estrogen. The endocrine system controls many things, including metabolism, reproduction, growth, and mood. EDCs can enter the body through ingestion (swallowing), skin (absorbing), and lungs (breathing). When the endocrine system is disrupted by chemicals, it can increase the risk of many diseases throughout the lifespan, such as childhood leukemia, obesity, and breast cancer.

Learn about how chemicals affect multiple generations

How canPoster about choosing organic when it matters most. pesticides be harmful?

Pesticides are commonly used in growing and processing food to reduce insects, rodents, weeds, bacteria, mold, and fungus. Many pesticides used in the home and in agriculture are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Some of them are even designed to be EDCs, because that is how they eliminate pests. In contrast, organic food is produced without the use of synthetic pesticides and chemicals, opting instead for naturally-derived pesticides. Learn more about the harmful effects of pesticides used in non-organic farming.

How can we reduce our exposure?

  • Choose organic fruits and vegetables when possible, especially for those that tend to higher levels of contamination. Find out what to prioritize in this year’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen from EWG.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables under running water.
  • Physically seal or block any entrances for pests to get into your home and eliminate food sources.
  • Practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM), as it can help reduce pesticide use in the long run.
  • Use non-toxic products like boric acid and diatomaceous earth to control pests in your home.
  • If you're a college student, check out the resources at Re:wild Your Campus to make a difference for your community. 

Learn more about this campaign and the study that inspired it. 







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