
A Black Woman's Journey into Understanding Breast Cancer Disparities Blog Series - Part 2

akilahs blog part 2

Read the first blog in the series here.

When thinking about why, compared to white women, black women are being diagnosed with harder to treat breast cancer at younger ages, there are a few potential reasons.

The first is one that many activist groups have been actively combating for years: Access to resources.

Read more: A Black Woman's Journey into Understanding Breast Cancer Disparities Blog Series - Part 2

Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Summer 2024

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Complete the Application

Are you ready to take charge of your health and well-being after completing active breast cancer treatment? Our Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program is designed to support you in thriving. Your certified coach will help you develop sustainable lifestyle changes where you can improve your health and wellness, cope with treatment side effects and reduce the risk of recurrence (likelihood of getting breast cancer again) or maximize the likelihood of positive outcomes with a breast cancer diagnosis (like improved quality of life, well-being, and length of life). Read more about the Resilient Me program.

Thanks to funding from To Celebrate Life, we are able to offer services for free over Zoom to people in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties.

Read more: Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Summer 2024

Por qué Zero Breast Cancer se enfoca en la salud de las niñas y niños

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El libro de actividades Futuros saludables de Zero Breast Cancer empodera a niños y niñas de 5 a 7 años para mejorar su salud y proporciona a los cuidadores herramientas para apoyar hábitos saludables. Los niños y niñas completan una actividad en cada una de las cuatro áreas clave (moverse más, comer saludable, dormir lo suficiente y sentirse mejor) para recibir un parche o tirador de cremallera como premio.

Read more: Por qué Zero Breast Cancer se enfoca en la salud de las niñas y niños

App Recommendation: Yuka

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Ever wondered if there was a way to easily analyze the complex world of product ingredients? Meet Yuka, an innovative app founded in France by three friends who aimed to create a tool that could analyze the ingredients in food and personal care products, making it accessible to everyone. Backed by organizations like La Ligue contre le Cancer in France and Foodwatch, Yuka has made an impact on policy. Together, they launched a successful petition advocating for the ban of sodium nitrite in food, an additive estimated to be responsible for 4,000 cases of cancer per year in France. This accomplishment led to legal battles against industrial companies and a federation, resulting in Yuka's triumph after three years of legal proceedings.

Read more: App Recommendation: Yuka

A Black Woman's Journey into Understanding Breast Cancer Disparities Blog Series - Part 1

akilah with mom grandma

My name is Akilah. I am a 33 year old black woman in the Bay Area. About six years ago, I received a short email from my mom. It said 

“Hey Akilah, Consider participating in this study. I participated so you would be part of the 3rd generation cohort. Love Mommy” 

Read more: A Black Woman's Journey into Understanding Breast Cancer Disparities Blog Series - Part 1

App Recommendation: EWG's Healthy Living

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Have you ever wondered about the safety of the products you use every day? The EWG’s Healthy Living app was developed by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving chemical safety in the US, to provide you with answers. EWG pushes industries to adopt their standards and to say no to harmful chemicals. They also educate consumers with actionable information to inspire demand for safer products. Let’s take a closer look at how this app works and why it’s a handy tool for your everyday choices.

Read more: App Recommendation: EWG's Healthy Living

Introducing Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program

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For more than 27 years, Zero Breast Cancer has translated science into actions we can each take to reduce life-long risk of breast cancer and recurrence. Now we are taking it a step further as we build our Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program to help people at high risk of breast cancer and survivors post-treatment take those healthy actions we have long promoted. Services will be offered remotely and open to people across the U.S. We piloted the program in March 2024. Learn more about June 2024 recruitment for people in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Read more: Introducing Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program

2023 Impact


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Explore the highlights of 2023, a year marked by significant work to reduce breast cancer risk and support survivors’ health and wellness. The success of our Healthy Futures Activity Book nationwide, expanding Generations into Spanish as Generaciones, and introducing a new Survivorship factsheet on heart health and breast cancer all demonstrate our unwavering commitment to health and wellness. Your support makes these achievements possible, impacting communities globally. Take a closer look at the details and consider donating today to sustain our mission and join us in envisioning a world with zero breast cancer.


Read more: 2023 Impact

App and Browser Extension Recommendation: Clearya

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Clearya’s journey began in 2018 when Chen Rosner, following a cancer recovery, decided with her husband Amit Rosner to create a solution to keep toxic chemicals out of their home. After two years of research and software development, Clearya came into existence and has since partnered with renowned nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies that harness science, policy, and grassroots action to foster the transition to a healthy environment. Clearya is available for free as a computer browser extension for Chrome and Edge,  and can also be downloaded as a mobile app from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Keep reading to learn more about how Clearya can positively impact your daily choices for a healthier lifestyle. 

Read more: App and Browser Extension Recommendation: Clearya