

Picture of Black Lives Matter protesters by Clay Banks.

Dear ZBC Community,

The events of the past few weeks have been heartbreaking. We have seen yet more systemic, racist violence adding George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery to the long list of black lives taken, which has caused grief, anger, and public action in the form of national - and even global - protest.

Read more: ZBC stands with BLACK LIVES MATTER

Folleto de actividades saludables para mayores de 5 años

 Spanish Activity Booklet pages colored with pens

¡Estamos ampliando nuestra lista de materiales previos a la pubertad! Además de la campaña La nueva pubertad de las niñas dirigida a padres/cuidadores, ahora tenemos un folleto de actividades para niñas y niños de 5 años en adelante. Descargue e imprima nuestro Folleto de actividades saludables: ¡Ser saludable se trata de sentirse lo mejor posible!

Read more: Folleto de actividades saludables para mayores de 5 años

Healthy Activity Booklet for Ages 5+

On top of a coffee table sits markers and ZBC's Healthy Activity Booklet pages that have been colored.

We’re expanding our pre-puberty materials! In addition to the Girls’ New Puberty resources directed at parents/caregivers, we now have an activity booklet for girls (and all kids) ages 5+. Download and print our Healthy Activity Booklet: Being Healthy is About Feeling Our Best!

The booklet promotes lifelong health and wellness by providing healthy action ideas to color and asking girls to draw what they like to do. There’s also a bingo activity at the end that encourages girls to follow some of the actions suggested. Topic areas include moving more, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and limiting exposure to chemicals. While it was made with girls in mind, it is not exclusively for girls. All kids who snap a picture of their favorite completed page and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will receive a certificate and, with a parent/guardian's permission, have the image posted on our Girls' New Puberty Facebook page.

Read more: Healthy Activity Booklet for Ages 5+

Problemas de memoria y pensamiento después del cáncer de seno

memory and thinking probs 

Este blog ha sido resumido de un artículo en el boletín de invierno 2019 del Estudio Pathways.

¿Has escuchado el término Chemo Brain o Quimiocerebro? Hasta la última década, cuando las mujeres informaban problemas de memoria y pensamiento durante o después de recibir tratamiento para el cáncer de mama, a menudo se las ignoraba. Ahora sabemos que el cáncer y el tratamiento del cáncer pueden causar estos cambios y se están realizando investigaciones sobre cómo ayudar a las personas que tienen quimiocerebro, también conocido como deterioro cognitivo relacionado con el cáncer (DCRC). Nos anima saber que la mayoría de nosotras recuperaremos nuestra función cerebral y que hay cosas que podemos hacer para lidiar con los problemas de memoria y pensamiento.

Read more: Problemas de memoria y pensamiento después del cáncer de seno

Memory & Thinking Problems after Breast Cancer

memory and thinking probs

This blog is abstracted from an article in the Winter 2019 Pathways newsletter.

Have you heard the term Chemo Brain? Until the last decade, when women reported memory and thinking problems during or after being treated for breast cancer, they were often ignored. Now we know that cancer and cancer treatment can cause these changes and research is progressing on how to help people who have Chemo brain, also known as Cancer-related Cognitive Impairment (CRCI). We can take heart that most of us will recover our brain function and that there are things we can do to deal with memory/thinking problems.

Read more: Memory & Thinking Problems after Breast Cancer

Life After Breast Cancer – Toward Lifelong Health & Wellness

life after bc

This is an exciting time for the participants, research team and partners of the Pathways Study. With over a decade of data on more than 4,000 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, the study is primed to have an impact! ZBC’s scientific partners are looking at many factors that influence breast cancer survival and reduce the risk of recurrence. Meanwhile, our Community Advisory Board (CAB) has begun to write articles on how to improve quality of life for those affected by breast cancer. Study results are ready to inform treatment decisions, individual behaviors, and ways to provide necessary support, especially to under-served communities.

Read more: Life After Breast Cancer – Toward Lifelong Health & Wellness

My Experience Participating in Breast Cancer Prevention Research

lianna and BCOT team with caption for web

Several months ago, our colleagues at Breast Cancer Over Time (BCOT) asked us to help recruit for their study on the Impact of Chemical Exposure on the Human Breast. Like ZBC, BCOT focuses on preventing breast cancer in the next generation. They address the issue by championing and coordinating research into the environmental causes of breast cancer, while ZBC focuses on engaging communities in translating research into actionable steps that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. This study investigates the risks of chemicals in personal care products (PCPs), a topic ZBC actively addresses.

As complementary organizations, promoting BCOT’s study was an obvious decision. While sharing information about the study it, I also discovered that it was personally relevant to me. Read on to learn more about the study and my experience with it.

Read more: My Experience Participating in Breast Cancer Prevention Research