
Food, Health and Decisions

Shweta food pic for web

“People who love to eat are always the best people."

This quote from Julia Child resonates with me to the core. Food has tremendous power to heal and the potential to improve overall well-being. Food is not just necessary for life but something that feeds our souls and our emotions. For many it is a comfort and enhances many experiences and brings much pleasure. From a public health lens understanding how different communities’ access and consume food can give important clues about diet related health disparities. Yes, that’s the power of food.

Read more: Food, Health and Decisions

Get to Know ZBC Partners: Barbara Gelfand Summer

Bib Head Shot for web

Next up in our Meet ZBC Partners series is Barbara “Bibi” Gelfand Summer of Barbara Gelfand Summer Design. Bibi been ZBC’s main designer since 2015. Working with our style guide and color palette, she has designed a wide variety of materials for us, including all of our 13 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer collateral, donor appreciation brochures, and much more. Bibi has helped us to ensure our materials are simple but not simplistic and feel genuinely high quality and inclusive. We love that she has learned about breast cancer risk reduction from ZBC while she has taught us some of the secrets of how good design powers effective communication.

Read more: Get to Know ZBC Partners: Barbara Gelfand Summer

Place Matters by Salma Shariff-Marco, PhD, MPH, and Scarlett Lin Gomez, PhD, MPH

  Salma and Scarlett


Research shows that our zip code can be just as important as our genetic code (DNA) in shaping our health. Where we live, work and learn affects our opportunities for physical activity, access to healthy and affordable foods, potential for social engagement and support, and exposure to stressful circumstances.

Read more: Place Matters by Salma Shariff-Marco, PhD, MPH, and Scarlett Lin Gomez, PhD, MPH

Get to Know ZBC Partners: Jennifer Gress

Jenn Gress for web

We interviewed Jennifer Gress, owner of Snapdragon Services, next in our Get to Know ZBC Partners series. Jenn has been a ZBC partner since 2012! As the webmaster for, she keeps our website up, running, safe and secure. Her technical expertise and insights have also been invaluable as we’ve improved navigation and provided more focused content. Jenn is always happy to brainstorm our website goals and then help us achieve them, whether through working her magic on the backend or providing humor-filled training sessions for staff. We are incredibly grateful for what she brings to ZBC and glad to have the opportunity to share her perspective with you below.

Read more: Get to Know ZBC Partners: Jennifer Gress

ZBC Internship Reflections by Leslie Civil

Leslie at Marin Teen Girl conference for web

As a Dominican University student pursuing a degree in Global Public Health (GPH), I wanted to engage in work outside my school environment. I am not from Marin County. I was born and raised in the San Mateo County, specifically in Redwood City. In my second year as an undergraduate, I was presented the opportunity to intern with Zero Breast Cancer. They were seeking a bilingual intern, and with only one day to spare I decided to apply and hoped for the best.

Read more: ZBC Internship Reflections by Leslie Civil

From the Desk of Catherine Thomsen: Improving Health Education!


equality equity empowerment for web


I recently had the privilege of attending the Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE) conference.  So many researchers and community organizations are doing work relevant to ZBC! I want to summarize what I learned about two topics that are particularly timely: Health Inequity and Health Resources & Media Literacy.

Read more: From the Desk of Catherine Thomsen: Improving Health Education!

Get to Know ZBC Partners: Carol MacDonell

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We spoke with Carol MacDonell this month for the next interview in our Get to Know ZBC Partners series. Carol works at Marin IT and has been a trusted IT consultant for ZBC over the past year. She helps ensure our computer systems run smoothly and sets up new computers, email addresses, VPN access and more. She is always happy to problem solve the issues we face and genuinely cares about the work ZBC does. You might have met her at our 2018 Dipsea Hike, where she volunteered her time to help hikers find their way up the Dipsea steps. Read on to learn about her work and enthusiasm for ZBC’s mission.

Read more: Get to Know ZBC Partners: Carol MacDonell

Engaging Community to Build a Survivorship Campaign

Pathways CAB for webCAB Members: Ila Wold, Linda Felix-Monroe, Maria Sierra-Bell, Paula Coombs, Penny Dougherty & Sandi Domingue (Not pictured: Arlene Yee, Cassandra Falby, Martha Tuma & Stacey Tinianov)
Staff: Catherine Thomsen, Janise Roh, Julie Munneke & Virginia Pozo

Zero Breast Cancer (ZBC) has been collaborating on the Pathways Breast Cancer Survivorship study with the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Department of Research for several years. Since 2016, we have been facilitating the creation and meetings of the Pathways Study Community Advisory Board (CAB). The 11 CAB members—8 study participants, a former breast surgeon, a social worker and a community advocate—meet quarterly.

Read more: Engaging Community to Build a Survivorship Campaign

Get to Know ZBC Partners: Dallas Drotz

Dallas and daughters for web

In the third of our Get to Know ZBC Partners interview series, we talked to Dallas Drotz of Drotz Design. Dallas is a versatile creative talent with excellent listening skills, a thirst for knowledge, a big heart and unending patience! Dallas was introduced to ZBC in 2015 when we needed to find a way to turn the science about early puberty into a health and wellness campaign. It all started with a series of mood boards and the rest is history. Today the body of work that Dallas has teamed with ZBC to create includes infographics in EnglishSpanish, and Chinese; a micro-site in English and Spanish, and a YouTube series in EnglishSpanish, and Chinese!

Read more: Get to Know ZBC Partners: Dallas Drotz