
Pacific Heights Cleaners Climbs Mt. Shasta for Zero Breast Cancer

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The statistics are staggering, everyone knows of a person that has been touched by breast cancer and with all the advancements in medicine hopefully they survived. Karl Huie of Pacific Heights Cleaners climbed Mt. Shasta to create awareness for breast cancer as well as raise funds to support Zero Breast Cancer.

Read more: Pacific Heights Cleaners Climbs Mt. Shasta for Zero Breast Cancer

Zero Breast Cancer Comments on Angelina Jolie's Preventative Double Mastectomy

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Janice Barlow, executive director of the San Rafael nonprofit Zero Breast Cancer, said what Jolie did is not unusual for women who learn they carry the BRCA1 gene. "People who carry the gene have a significantly increased risk of both ovarian and breast cancer," Barlow said. "It's not uncommon for women given that information to have a double mastectomy and have their ovaries removed." 

Troubling Problem


Numbers of breast cancer cases high for Marin County in data pre-2013.

For decades, Marin County has been a spike on the graph that plots the incidence of breast cancer in women in California, and that trend has shown no signs of changing, according to recent data collected by researchers.

Find out more about breast cancer in Marin and how Zero Breast Cancer is making an impact.

Doctors to Notify of Risk of Cancer


Starting April 1st, doctors are required by a new state law to notify women with dense breast tissue that they could be at increased risk for breast cancer. Zero Breast Cancer's Executive Director Janice Barlow and other Marin experts weigh in on why they hope the law won't cause unnecessary stress for women.

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