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  • Genetic Counseling for Breast Cancer by Emily Goldberg

    Emily Goldberg from J Screen

    As a genetic counselor for the last 10 years, I've counseled patients about their cancer risks and guided them through the genetic testing process. I help them decide if genetic testing is right for them and explain how their test results might impact their physical and mental health. We discuss next steps and how to use this information to empower their health and their lives. We talk through their emotions and fears. Sometimes we just sit in silence. Every patient's journey is unique, and their feelings are complex.

  • Introducing Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program

     announcing hwcp

    For more than 27 years, Zero Breast Cancer has translated science into actions we can each take to reduce life-long risk of breast cancer and recurrence. Now we are taking it a step further as we build our Resilient Me Health & Wellness Coaching Program to help people at high risk of breast cancer and survivors post-treatment take those healthy actions we have long promoted. Services will be offered remotely and open to people across the U.S. We piloted the program in March 2024. Learn more about June 2024 recruitment for people in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

  • Website Recommendation: FacingOurRisk.org

    FORCE logo cropped

    If you are a survivor, previvor or caregiver affected by a hereditary cancer, have ever wondered whether you should pursue genetic testing, or have tested positive for a mutation and wondering what the next steps are, Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) has a website chock-full of information and resources. FORCE is a non-profit organization committed to promoting awareness, sharing current information, providing support, advocating for and supporting research, and building a community of research and medical experts to guide those who are dealing with hereditary breast, ovarian and related cancers. Whether you are new to the topic or well-informed, this website can provide useful information and support to guide your journey.

  • Zero Breast Cancer Comments on Angelina Jolie's Preventative Double Mastectomy

    angelina jolie time magazine

    Janice Barlow, executive director of the San Rafael nonprofit Zero Breast Cancer, said what Jolie did is not unusual for women who learn they carry the BRCA1 gene. "People who carry the gene have a significantly increased risk of both ovarian and breast cancer," Barlow said. "It's not uncommon for women given that information to have a double mastectomy and have their ovaries removed."